Brampton hospital
fuelling hot debate
September 13, 2003
There's a strong election pulse beating on the street in the Brampton Centre
riding, but before voters pick a government Oct. 2, Judy Hughes figures to pump
it up on the issue of a new city hospital.
That's why Hughes, a retired teacher, and others with the Brampton Health
Coalition, are distributing 500 lawn signs to show their opposition to the Tory
government's plan to enter into a private-public partnership (known as P3) to
build a $400 million, 608-bed hospital to open in 2006.
"P3 in Brampton is a done deal ... but voters have to know that this is a
crucial step in the process of hammering privatized health care on the citizens
of Ontario. That's the message we want voters to get during this campaign,"
Hughes said.
The funding model for the city's much-needed second hospital, the role of its
existing William Osler Health Centre, and the construction of the Highway 410
extension to Highway 10 to relieve gridlock, are front and centre in the
election rhetoric of the three main candidates.
Joe Spina, 57, the incumbent Progressive Conservative, Liberal Linda Jeffrey,
45, an experienced Ward 2 Brampton city councillor, and New Democrat Kathy
Pounder, 54, a well-known community activist and first-time candidate who has
been prominent in the anti-P3 battle, will go to the people on these issues.
"The reality is that this (the new Brampton hospital) is not a privately run
hospital. This is a public hospital and the opposition's expression that you are
going to need a VISA card rather than an OHIP card is simply a lie," Spina said.
Jeffrey said she supports a publicly funded health care system and the Tories
are pushing the P3 funding model for hospitals even though "evidence shows that
such ventures cost taxpayers more while providing a lower quality of service."
Pounder said the move to a P3 model in Brampton "is a major change in policy
towards privatization of health care."
"The truth of the matter is that we've lost hospital beds under the Tory
government. As of March 1996 we had 326 acute care beds in Peel. In the fall of
2002 there were 269 acute care beds even though the city's population increased
by 80,000 new residents since 1996."
The extension of Highway 410, from Bovaird Dr., where it now ends, north into
Caledon and west to Highway 10, has been "a litany of procrastination and lack
of foresight by the Harris-Eves government," Jeffries said.
Pounder said the province is waffling on the extension "while the city chokes on
its own traffic."
But Spina said the extension must be opened in phases because Brampton has
failed to plan properly for its burgeoning population by installing the needed
infrastructure before approving large-scale residential development.
Sanjeev Goel is the Green Party of Ontario's candidate in the riding.