Health Council now appears pointless
October 20, 2003
The Hill Times
By Svend Robinson, M.P. (NDP, Burnaby-Douglas)
Nearly one year has now passed since the Report of the Romanow Commission on the
Future of Health Care in Canada was tabled, and little has changed. Many of the
concerns outlined in the report remain unaddressed: Canadians are still forced
to contend with waiting lists for surgeries, diagnostic services, specialists,
treatments, and even to get a family doctor to see them; public hospitals are
still closing while private clinics and hospitals replace them; and nurses and
doctors are still over-worked and in desperately short supply.
In February of this year, the Minister of Health, Anne McLellan, appeared to
have adopted one of the Romanow Report's key recommendations: the creation of an
arm's-length, independent council to oversee the performance of the health care
system, to provide strategic advice and analysis to health ministers on
important and emerging policy issues, to seek ongoing input and advice from the
public and stakeholders on strategic policy issues, and to act as a
collaborative mechanism capable of driving reform and modernization of the
health care system. At that time, Prime Minister Chrétien secured the agreement
of the provincial and territorial Premiers to create the Canada Health Council
(although its mandate, principles, and composition were left unaddressed) within
three months (ie by May 5th).
May 5th came and went, and the Minister hadn't taken action to establish the
Council, and she then suggested that it would take shape in the coming weeks.
May turned into June, the House of Commons rose for its summer recess, and still
no word from McLellan on the Council. Late last month, the Minister finally
announced that the provinces and territories had agreed on the composition of
the Council: 27 members, of whom 13 would represent the provinces and
territories, 13 would represent non-government organizations, and one
chairperson. As Mike McBane of the Canadian Health Coalition pointed out, a
27-member board is so large as to be unworkable. "It's designed to fail," he
The Romanow Commission had recommended a 14-member board, consisting of 7
representatives of government, 3 representatives of the public, and 4
representatives of the provider and expert community recognized for their
competence in health policy and practice.
Apart from its unwieldy size, the Council as envisioned at this time would lack
all legitimacy as a government watchdog, since no member would be appointed
without the consensus of the federal and provincial governments. The Minister
has already broken her promise to Canadians that the Canada Health Council would
be in place by May, and now she's betrayed them again by breaking her promise
that the body would be "independent" from government.
The First Ministers are scheduled to meet this month to discuss the mandate of
the Council, and there is little hope among Canadians who care about our health
care system that the body will be endowed with any meaningful responsibility or
authority, as recommended by the Romanow Commission. The fact that the provinces
and territories have been asked to submit names for the membership of the
Council without knowing what the Council will be tasked with accomplishing
suggests that the whole exercise is lacking in serious intent. Just as the
commissioning of Romanow to lead a study and write a report recommending steps
to improve health care seems to have been a means for the Liberals to
procrastinate while the system crumbles, so too does the Health Council now
appear to be a pointless effort, designed to deceive Canadians into believing
that the Liberals are interested in protecting public medicare.
Sadly, not only is Liberal apathy eroding our national health care system, but
so too is the federal government's continuing infatuation with corporate
globalization. By promoting incessant liberalization of international trade, the
Liberals are jeopardizing not only our citizen-based democracy, but even our
personal health. Free trade agreements like NAFTA, GATS, and the proposed FTAA
risk compelling us to open our publicly-funded and delivered health services to
competition from private, foreign corporations, which would inevitably result in
a two-tiered health care system. As more and more health services are contracted
out to private companies, a door to foreign competition is being forced open
which will not be easily shut.
Again, the Romanow Commission's report was clear that this threat is real and
must urgently be opposed: "In almost every one of the Commission's public
hearings, as well as the regional roundtables, concerns were expressed by
experts and citizens alike that Canada's health care system should be protected
from the impact of international trade agreements." The report recommended that
the Liberals ensure that health care in Canada remains a "public service," and
that Canada's position that the right to regulate health care policy should not
be subject to claims for compensation from foreign-based companies, is
reinforced and stubbornly maintained.
Next month, governments from across the Americas will send their representatives
to Miami for the next ministerial meeting to negotiate further the terms of the
proposed FTAA. The draft version of the agreement already contains rules that
could open up the Canadian health care markets to foreign corporate service
suppliers, while making it difficult to expand public medicare to include
prescription drugs or homecare. Furthermore, the draft FTAA contains provisions
which go further than the WTO's TRIPS agreement on pharmaceutical patent
protections, making it even more difficult for governments to grant generic drug
makers licenses to produce affordable medicines.
More than 50,000 Canadians from across the country have already signed petitions
and postcards calling on the Liberals to acknowledge that "the FTAA is Hazardous
to Your Health," to stop the negotiations of the FTAA and all trade agreements
that put profits before public well-being, and to listen to Canadians who demand
that universal publicly-funded and delivered health care services be preserved.
These signatures will be joined in Miami with hundreds of thousands of others
collected throughout the Americas, and presented to the Trade Ministers meeting
there. We can only hope that the Liberals will finally choose to stand up for
medicare and indeed for all Canadians, and say no to the FTAA.
Our cherished health care system has been sorely abused and neglected by the
Liberals during the Chrétien era, and particularly the years when Paul Martin,
as Finance Minister, was so intent on slashing much-needed federal funding for
medicare. Now, as Martin assumes de facto authority as Prime Minister, there is
little reason to expect any improvement. Already we have seen John Manley
hinting broadly that $2 billion in promised federal health care funding to the
provinces in early 2004 will not be forthcoming. It seems that so long as the
Liberals remain in power, Canadians will be denied a fully funded, fully
accountable, and fully public medicare system.