March 31, 2003
Ontario groups campaign against health
A coalition of 300 Ontario groups opposed to any privatization of health care is
launching a province-wide pre-election campaign with a distinctly
anti-Conservative government flavour this week.
The aim is to make increasing private-sector involvement in hospitals, cancer
treatment and long-term and home care front and centre in the upcoming
provincial vote, which could come within months.
"We will campaign relentlessly to make this a critical election issue," Irene
Harris, of the Ontario Health Coalition, said today.
"We will oppose any political party that will not expressly oppose the
privatizations of our hospitals and clinics."
Among the coalition's plans are rallies and marches to be held in cities and
towns on Saturday.
The aim is also to collect at least 100,000 "pledge" cards from people opposed
to privatization.
The coalition argues that profit-driven companies are siphoning off millions of
health-care dollars.
They say for-profit companies now control the majority of long-term-care beds in
the province and at least 90 per cent of the laboratory sector.
In last Thursday's budget, the government said it planned to increase
health-care spending by $1.9 billion in the coming year to a record $28.1
billion in the coming year.
"Let's come clean about what percentage of that budget goes to profits," said
The Tory government argues the private sector has always played an integral role
in the delivery of publicly funded health-care services.
Expanding that role benefits patients by reducing waiting times for, and
improving access to, advanced diagnostic equipment, such as MRIs and CAT scans,
the government says.
The government has also announced pilot projects in which private developers
will build hospitals although clinical services will remain within the public
"The people of Brampton never voted for a private funding model for our new
hospital, said Dora Jeffries of the Brampton Health Coalition.
"The people of Brampton were not consulted. We were given an ultimatum by
(Health Minister Tony) Clement: `Accept this experimental funding model or wait
another 10 years for a public hospital.' "
Despite arguing its non-partisan status, the coalition said it would not support
Tory candidates given the party's stance on privatization.
The New Democrats have been emphatic in promising an end to all privatizations
if elected.
However, the Liberals have not been as clear when it comes to questions
surrounding home care, for example, the coalition said.
The Ontario Health Coalition comprises a variety of organizations, including
faith groups, unions and women's groups, as well as individual members