February 19, 2003
Excerpt from CLC's Analysis of the 2003 Federal Budget
Key Priorities: What We Wanted and What We Got
Health Care
The 2003-04 federal Budget acknowledges that Canadians want and expect improved
access to health services from the publicly-funded system, including services
such as primary care,
diagnostic services, home care, palliative care, and catastrophic drug coverage.
They also
expect increased transparency and accountability, and reforms which will make
sustainable over the longer term. The government makes a commitment to ensuring
Canadians have access to ‘universal, quality care — care that is based on need,
not on the ability to pay.’ - p. 66
1The federal government arrives at its $34.8 billion by doing a double counting
of sorts. It’s
like keeping the wage grid flat; adding a bonus to the grid each year, and
double counting previous years increases in the total increase for each
successive year. For example: in Year 1, assume a wage of $1,000. In Year 2, add
$100 for a total wage of $1,100. In Year 3, add $100, but count last year’s
increase and this year’s increase and call it a $200 increase in that year. In
Year 4, add $100, but include the increase in Year 2 and 3, for a total increase
of $300 in Year 4. The employer would say the worker received increases of $100,
$200, and $300 in each year, for a total increase over three years of $600. The
worker would say they received an increase of $300 over the three years.
Does the Budget meet this goal?
The Budget plan states that the federal government will increase health spending
by $34.8
billion over the next five years. However, those figures include increases for
all three
programs currently under the CHST — health, education, and social assistance.
The CLC’s preliminary analysis indicates that the actual increase in federal
spending for
health care only over the next five years is $30 .5 billion. Of that, $25
billion is in the form
of transfer payments to provincial and territorial governments for health
services covered
under the Canada Health Act. The federal government will spend an additional
$5.4 billion
on other health initiatives. About $4 billion of the $34.8 billion total will be
transferred to
the provinces for higher education, and social assistance and social services.
Overall, federal transfers to provinces for health care will increase from $12.2
billion in 2002-
03 to $18.8 billion in 2007-08. This is a 54% increase over that time or an
average of 9% per
The Budget continues the process of adding one-shot increases to the healthcare
floor each year instead of increasing the base funding each year and adding on
to that. At the
end of the five-year period, federal funding could drop back to the base floor.1
The Budget begins the process of reinvesting public tax dollars into public
health care.
However, it falls short of what is needed to return the federal share of health
spending to
25% of the cost of publicly insured health services. The maximum share reached
is 20% of
provincial health costs.
The Budget will increase federal transfers to the provinces for health services
covered by
provincial public health plans. Over the next three years, federal transfer
payments to the
provinces will increase by roughly $12.5 billion. This is $2.5 billion less than
by the Romanow Commission. The CLC believed that even Romanow’s recommendation
was too little in the immediate term.
A Health Reform Fund provides money for provinces to undertake primary care
reform; to
expand public health plans to cover short-term, acute home care; and, to create
access to catastrophic drug coverage by 2005-06. This is a start to expanding
the range of
health services falling under the umbrella of the public health care system.
However, only $6
billion of the $16 billion Health Reform Fund is allocated over the next three
years. The
remaining $10 billion is allocated in the last two years.
However, like the First Ministers Accord, the Budget does not deal with the
threat of forprofit
health care. It is certain that in some provinces, a share of public tax dollars
will flow
through provincial governments to the owners and investors of for-profit health
corporations. The issue of for-profit health care is central to the survival of
Medicare. While
public payment for health services will expand, so will the for-profit delivery
of those
There is little in the way of conditions attached to the increases in federal
funding. As a
result, this Budget does not meet the expectations of Canadians for meaningful
and transparency. The goals and objectives of the Health Reform Fund as stated
in the
Budget are narrow and vague. There appears to be no intention of setting even
standards for reform in the areas of primary care and home care, making it
difficult, if not
impossible, to ensure some level of national standards of care across the
The Budget provides $205 million for governance initiatives. Part of this
funding will go
towards the creation of a Health Council. No detail is given as to the scope,
structure or
mandate of such a council, but it is reaffirmed that this council would report
through federalprovincial ministers of health which limits and weakens its
capacity to be a truly meaningful accountability mechanism. The Budget places
what appears to be minimal reporting requirements on the provinces for the
expenditure of federal funds.
The Budget commits the federal government to establishing an ‘Employment
Compassionate Family Care Leave Benefit as of January 4, 2004.’ Individuals who
‘eligibility requirements for EI special benefits and have served a two-week
waiting period’
will be entitled to a six-week compassionate care leave to care for a gravely
ill or dying
parent, child or spouse. The Canada Labour Code will be changed to reflect
availability of
this new leave.
The Budget continues to ignore the pressing need for health services in northern
and remote
areas of Canada. No specific funding is allocated. The Budget does not address
the issue of the health and economic needs of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada or
their right to be a full partner in determining the solutions to these problems.
The Budget allocates $1.3 billion in increased funding for Aboriginal Health
over five years.