Organizations are listed in alphabetical order.
Organization | Contact Person | Phone Number |
KGH Social Work | Lucille Groll | 548-2366 |
Kingston Independent Living Resource Ctr. | Mike Murphy | 542-8353 |
Kingston Interval House | Linda Murray | 546-1833 |
KPH Hospital Community Connections | Karin Carmichael | 549-8786 |
Kingston Regional Cancer Social Work | Dr. Anne Smith | 544-2631 |
Learning Disabilities Assoc. Kingston | Libby Running | 545-0373 |
Lenadco Home | Dr. Brian Smith | 354-3306 |
L & A Seniors Outreach Services Inc. | Wendy McDonald | 354-6668 |
L & A Interval House | Suzanne Weir | 354-0808 |
L & A Resources for Children Home | Melanie Coyle | 354-6318 |
Low Income Needs Coalition | Tara Kainer | 544-7273 |
Lung Association Kingston & Area | Irene Morton | 545-3462 |
Multiple Sclerosis Society-Kingston | Mai Bauder | 384-8500 |
Muscular Dystrophy Association Kingston | Clare Bombard | 1-800-567-2873 |
North Frontenac Community Services | Ruth Geddes | 279-3151 |
North Kingston Community Health Ctr. | Renita Heslinga | 542-2949 |
Ongwanada | Robert Seaby | 548-4417 |
Ontario Assoc. of Social Workers | John Ostrander | 544-6900 |
Ont. Fed. Cerebral Palsy-Household | Wendy Albee | 384-1957 |
Ont. Fibromyalgia Association Kingston | Eleanor Evans | 542-5590 |
Ontario Lupus Association Kingston | Irene Smith | 530- 2129 |
Ontario March of Dimes | Marsha Stephen | 549-4141 |
Ont. Public Interest Research Group | Marney McDiarmid | 549-0666 |
Parkinson Foundation of Canada | Norma Faulkner | 541-0829 |
Pathways for Children and Youth | Joanne Maltby | 546-8535 |
Peer Support of Kingston | K. Beseau | 547-2250 |
Providence Continuing Care Centre | Shelagh Nowlan | 548-722 |
Rideaucrest Home | John Smith | 530-2818 |
Seniors Association of Kingston | Diane Luck | 548-7810 |
Sexual Assault Crisis Centre | Rose Maria Oliveira | 545-0762 |
Stroke Self Support | Wilf Clarke | 544-5220 |
Thyroid Foundation of Canada | Margaret Burdsall | 389-3691 |
United Way | Bhavana Varma | 542-2674 |
Victoria Order of Nurses | 634-0130 | |
Voice of the Blind | Ivy Berry | 546-7963 |
Voices on Health Care Concerns | Gord Lever | 389-5599 |