Kingston Health Coalition Minutes
Meeting of Wednesday, 31 March 2004
6:30 pm
Council on Aging Board Room
1. Tenth Anniversary Breakfast:
a) Marilyn Birmingham and Ross Sutherland to do outreach and publicity
b) Marijana Matovic will invite City Council, local MPP's Local MP's and
candidates for Federal election
c) Mary McPhee has breakfast preparations well in hand.
d) Discussion of program: Natalie Mehra to be invited to speak, Sandra
Willard will be asked to set up a Home Care issues table. Other tables and
displays may be set up around perimeter. Ross asked us everyone (INCLUDING
PEOPLE WHO READ THESE MINUTES) to let him know if they have any pictures,
articles, etc. about the Kingston Health Coalition and its actions for
display at the breakfast. If you have anything call Ross at 374-5211.
2. Forums:
a) Long term care forums: Ontario Health Coalition is arranging long term
care forums around the province. They asked us to sponsor one, suggested
date was a week before our breakfast meeting. Ross will talk to them about
possibly doing this in June.
b) P3 Hospitals: Speakers are available May 25,26 or 27. Ross will follow
3. April 3 March in Toronto. Two buses will be going, one from CUPE 1974
with some community people and one originating in Cornwall, stopping in
Brockville and Kingston. We have 68 people signed up.
4. Information Sharing:
a) Dental Coalition information picket will be held on Princess St in
front of John Gerretsen's office (Bagot and Princess) April 19, 12 noon to 1
b) April 23rd episode of the Peace and Justice vigil sponsored by the
Sisters of Providence at City Hall between 12:15 pm and 12:45 pm will be
dedicated to the issue of accessibility to dental care.
All invited to participate.
Adjournment: 7 pm -
Next meeting
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
6:30 pm
Council on Aging Board Room
St. MARGARET'S UNITED CHURCH, Sir John A. MacDonald Blvd across from the
shopping center. No charge, but donations accepted.
Invite all people you
know who are interested in action to protect public medicare.