Kingston Health Coalition
26 November 2003 6:30 pm
1. Agenda Adopted
2. Minutes - Accepted without corrections
3. Health Action Assembly. Ross Sutherland and Brian Brophy and Sandra
Willard reported on the Health Action Assembly held in Toronto Saturday,
November 22.
A wide cross section of the coalition attended - Main issue disccussed was
where to put energy in the immediate future.
The assembly agreed that the most immediate big issue remains the private
hospitals and private MRI Clinics. The Liberal government has failed to
fulfill its commitments. The hospitals are going ahead in Brampton and
Ottawa with private financing and private delivery of many services.
Remaining under public title in name only. The government won't give out
details until signed agreement. The promise of public access to
information is also being betrayed. Many services contracted out on a long
term arrangements. The Assembly is asking groups to make it an issue in
theiir own areas.
In the spring hearings on long term care will be taking place and we will
need to prepare to intervene at those hearings.
The Assembly agreed to hold a Formal protest on Thursday 11 Dec in Toronto.
Lobbying of MPP's will take place in the a.m. and a rally at noon.
It was proposed and our meeting agreed that, In our communities, we will
carry out leafleting in front of MPP's Gerretsen's and Dombrowsky 's
Napanee Linda Dowdle. Mary McPhee. Ross Sutherland, Sandra Willard will
attend. Ross will work at getting more people from that area to participate.
We will seek to get the Trojan Horse to use in front of Gerretsen's Office.
Signs. It was agreed we will obtain and make signs. The Romanow report
sign will be available. Sandara also creating one. Selling me out on OHIP.
Save Public Medicare signs are available from Ross. Marijana will check
with the Sisters of Providence to see if we can borrow their public health
care signs.
Date and times of events:
Napanee Monday 8th December Monday 11:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m. at Town Square. (
4 Market Square)
Tuesday 9th Dec. 1130-130. At Lasalle Mews in Kingston.
Need flyer. Matthew Gventer will draft one. Natalie Mehra is preparing a
standard format and graphics and Matthew to coordinate with her. Discussed
a chart of promises and reality on one side and large print notice on other.
Marijana Matovic will arrange for notices to be handed out at the Vigil
Friday 28th
It was agreed that the phone chain should be activated for this event.
Marijana and Marilyn undertook to do that. Sandra. Ross will do one for
4. Re: Meeting with John Gerretsen
Sandra called for appointment, but not available before Xmas. We will try
for one asap after new year.
5. MRI Clinic. Used to talk about closing the private MRI clinics and
moving them back into hospital. Now talking about bringing them under
public control. Weaseling out. Iron clad 5 yr contracts may be limiting.
We will include this issue in our flyers.
6. In the Spring we will hold a General meeting. Will consider a Speaker
and Forum in February. Our next meeting, Wednesday 14ht January at the
Council On Aging office at 6:30, will address organizing these events.
7. All Care Negotiations. Their proposal NOTHING. So far the union is
not prepared to engage in action. Agreement expired in March. RFP's
happening first of April.
8. Nothing new has happened at Whig in terms of meeting with us about our
complaints about coverage of the health care issues. Ross will follow up
with the Whig Standard Editor about arranging a meeting. We agreed that we
should consider approaching new city councils to do a presentation on
Health Care. Need patients who will speak out. COA may be able to get
people who will speak out about their situations
9. Fund Raising. Send letter to some unions. Ross to prepare letter.
Peter Boyle to be asked to send it out. Ross to get community list.
10. Adjourned. Next meeting Wednesday, January 14 2004 at 6:30 in the
Council on Aging Office, 230 Brock Street.