Wed. June 17, 2003, 6:30pm
1. Ross reminded us that we need a new co-chair and a new treasurer. We
want to have these in place by September. For co-chair, preferably a
female community based person. Sandra Willard is considering being
2. Hospital meeting. Over 51 people attended including Mayor Isabel
Turner, a representative of John Gerretsen, Councilor Steve Garrison,
Councilor Beth Pater, a Green party spokesperson and Janet Collins, NDP
candidate and Ross Sutherland, NDP candidate HLA Riding. Natalie Mehra
answered questions after we viewed the video on 3p hospitals. It was
agreed we would ask to be a delegation to City Council and to present a
deputation to the Kingston General Hospital Board and the Hotel Dieu
Hospital Board.
3. It was agreed that the video was an excellent opening to make the
community aware of the risks in 3p's medical care. It would be useful to
try to arrange speaking engagements with service clubs and unions and
churches. The Council On Aging (COA) has already begun a campaign to do
presentations to churches on 3P's. The KHC will pursue Service Clubs A
letter will be drafted by Sandra and Ross to be sent out. Matthew will
arrange to send out the letters. Ross will take phone calls (use his phone
number on letter) to make appointments for speaking engagements. Ross
will make sure a speaker is available for each such opportunity. COA board
room may be available for meeting space. Target - Letter prepared by
beginning of September. Letter to be sent out in September.
4. Further distribution of the video was discussed. We will arrange for a
fancy label to be made up. For now we will seek a dozen. One for Brendan
Kilcline. 6 for library branches. We will investigate advertising the
availability of the video to Queen's U. faculty and St. Lawrence College
faculty. Matthew will talk to Darko Matovic about sending notice of the
video via QUFA. He will also ask OPIRG to make know the availability of the
video. Someone will talk to Jack Cooper about doing the same at St.
Lawrence. Showing the video on Cable TV will also be investigated. Darko
said he could transfer the VHS to CD's and produce them cheaply and in
large quantity. Circulation will be easier that way. If we need more than
a couple of dozen we will consider taking up Darko on his offer.
5. Further discussion took place about the presentation to City Council
and to the Hospital Board. Marilyn will talk to Don Bristol about lobbying
Mayor Turner to join the delegation to the Hospital Board.
6. Ross reported on efforts to get the Whig Standard to cover KHC's
opposition to private health care and 3p's. He tabled correspondence that
has been going on with the Ontario Press Council and the editor of Whig
Standard and himself. It is the Whig Standard's view that we offered
nothing new in the way of facts, only rants. Claimed that their coverage
included a guarantee from the imaging services and the government that the
RFP will be followed and will not allow for queue jumping. The Whig
Standard, she claims, is in a position to publicize violations of this
commitment. Of course, information on MRI activities will be confidential
and not easily confirmed. Ross has prepared a draft letter asking to meet
with the Whig's editorial board. Marilyn suggested that the editor be
specifically asked to attend such a meeting. Marilyn and Sandra will
proofread the final draft letter prepared by Ross.
7. Sandra asked what have we heard about VON situation. Ross said rumour
has it that the VON has received enough donations to maintain a half
operation for now. We collected 585 signatures which we passed on to CUPE.
Ross informed us that the CCAC has changed its management to such an
extent that there is serious confusion and lack of continuity at the CCAC.
8. Howard informed us of a poster campaign the the Council On Aging is
starting on health care deficits faced by seniors due to government
under-funding health care.
9. Adjournment and Next Meeting: Sept 24th at the Council On Aging office
230 Brock Street, 6:30 pm