April 16, 2003
Kingston Health Coalition
Wednesday, 16 April 2003 in Council on Aging Office 6:30 pm
1. Agenda Approved
2. Minutes of previous meeting deferred
3. Pledge Cards: Ross booked market stall for Thursday April 24 and
Saturday April 26. Other locations were discussed. In front of the
Sleepless Goat, in front of Novel Idea, at hospitals during shift change.
Marilyn will organize the staffing of the booths. Helen expressed concern
about the Pledge Card format. People are hesitant to sign it, confused by
term medicare, confused about the political connections. Fear it is
partisan. Canvassers may need help to address the issues simply and
effectively. Copies of the pamphlet that were supposed to accompnay the
pledge cards were handed out. Hopefully it will help. We agreed to set
aside some time at our ensuing meeting to discuss the process of decision
making at the OHC and how we can have better input into such things as
designing the Pledge Card. The Pledge card is directed to the election so
the start of the election is the target date. People should get the signed
cards to Marilyn rather than sitting on them until that date.
Times for stalls on Princess Street - 11 to 2 and 4 to 6 Thursday and
Saturday April 24, and 26
We agreed to staff the market stall only on Saturday from 8 to 2
4. Car Cavalcade. Reset to May 10th. SARS is not expected to prevent
this date from happening. Meet at Sutherland and Montreal to decorate
cars. Drive to Highway 38 through town. Meet cavalcade from easterly
points. Bus will be available if we can get enough people to go. Marilyn
will restart the phone chain to let people know about the event. Everyone
should spread the word and get as many participants as possible. It is
going to be a great event.
5. Private MRI clinic. Opening June 3 in Blackburn Mews in same building
as the breast cancer screening centre. A press conference is scheduled for
10 AM Tuesday April 22 in the Counter Room at City Hall. The main theme
will be the staff shortage at the hospital exacerbated by MRI clinics. Also
MRI clinics are inefficient way to address problems. Will be used only
part of the time for reducing the waiting list. If they were public they
could operate at 100% to reduce the waiting list. A crowd (50 to 100) at
the news conference will impress the media. Come on out and support the
news conference.
We would like to set up a debate combined with a town hall on the topic of
private MRI clinics. Darko will check with David MacDonald to see who
might be likely to represent the private side. We also talked about asking
one of the owners of the private MRI or Hugh Segal. Ross will also check
into possible pro privatization speakers.
6. Victoria Order of Nurses collapse. Ross presented a short history.
VON and some private deliverers asked the local CCAC for more funds. The
VON started paying an extra $2 per hour because it was expected to happen
and they were having trouble keeping their staff. It never happened. The
bidding process is a big problem. Even if current providers wanted to
raise their bids, outsiders without resources or experience can obtain the
contracts by putting in low ball bids. We agreed to include the VON
petitions with our pledge card stalls. We will redesign them so there is
more room for signatures and use the KHC logo instead of CUPE (if CUPE
7 Adjournment - Next meeting 7 May at 6:30 at Council of Aging. To
finalize plans for the Motorcade and follow up on the other plans.