If you would like to share a story or event with the community, feel free to contact one of the local media organizations below. Organizations are listed in alphabetical order.
Name | Company | Fax | Website / Email |
Beaver News Editor | The Napanee Beaver | 354-2622 | beaver@reach.net |
Border 102.7 | Border 102.7 | 634-7188 | www.wbdr.com |
CBC Radio Noon | CBC 107.5 Kingston | 562-8735 | |
CFFX Radio | CFFX 960 AM | 549-7974 | |
CFLY Radio | CFLY Radio | 542-5557 | |
CFMK Radio | CFMK 96.3 FM | 549-7974 | |
CFRC Radio Queen's U | CFRC 101.9 FM | 533-6049 | |
CKLC Radio | CKLC Radio | 542-5557 | |
CKVI 91.9 FM | CKVI 91.9 FM | 544-8795 | |
CKWS | CKWS | 544-5508 | |
CKWS TV-NEWS | CKWS TV-NEWS | 549-0145 | |
Cogeco | Cogeco | 545-0169 | |
Experience Editor | The Experience | 544-2273 | |
Gananoque Reporter | Gananoque Reporter | 382-3010 | |
Journal News Editor | The Queen's Journal | 545-6728 | www.queensjournal.ca |
Kingston Grapevine | Grapevine Kingston | 547-6521 | |
Kingston This Week | Kingston This Week | 389-7507 | |
Napanee Guide | Napanee Guide | 354-6708 | |
Napanee-Deseronto | Napanee Cable TV | 354-2670 | |
Neighbour Editor | Neighbour to Neighbour | 542-9743 | |
PIC News Editor | Pic Press | 542-0111 | |
Queen's University at Kingston | Queen's University at Kingston | 533-6728 | www.queensu.ca |
River 107.5 FM | River 107.5 FM | 542-5557 | |
St. Lawrence College | St. Lawrence College | 544-1763 | www.sl.on.ca/kingston |
TC News Editor | This Community | 548-3361 | |
The Heritage News | The Heritage News | 389-1870 | |
The Tower, La Tour | The Tower, La Tour | 541-4483 | |
Triangle News Editor | The Triangle | 376-6657 | |
What's On Kingston | Webwoods | www.whatsonkingston.com | |
Whig News Editor | Kingston Whig Standard | 530-4118 | www.kingstonwhigstandard.com |